

Our interdisciplinary team addresses the fundamental challenges associated with development, and the dynamics of those challenges in the Global South compared to the Global North. Key challenges in the Global South include lack of basic human rights and resource depletion. By comparison, the Global North is faced with overcoming the legacy of neoliberalism, including the social and environmental burden of western economies on less wealthy regions. While the barriers and opportunities related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals vary geographically, there are also common deep causes, including the colonial roots of modern-day challenges. Unpacking these ‘causes of causes’ is a central objective of our research group, and an essential step towards eradicating inequalities between developing and developed nations, as well as within regions.

Featured Research

Dr Connolly examines the intersections between urban redevelopment and grassroots governance initiatives in Southeast Asia through research conducted in collaboration with regional civil society actors. His research focuses on the conservation of cultural and natural heritage, transportation infrastructure planning and infectious disease outbreaks, primarily examined through the lens of urban political ecology.

Connolly C. Worlding cities through transportation infrastructure. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 2019;51(3):617-635. doi:10.1177/0308518X18801020

Contact Us

School of Geography, College of Health and Science
ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº, Think Tank, Ruston Way, ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº, LN6 7DW

Tel: +44(0)1522 835820